Tag Archives: WordPress

CWF-2008-3-28 News, Server Move Complete, Getting Out of Axis & Allies Minis, and Musical Guest Black Crowes

Episode 36 with Jonathan as your host discussing News, Server Move Complete, Getting Out of Axis & Allies Minis, and musical guest Black Crowes. Show Length: 43:26 [display_podcast] Download Podcast…

WordPress 2.5 RC1 Update Complete

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its 2.3.3 version of WordPress to 2.5 RC1. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all…

Server Move Information = No Podcast?

The massive server move is on our doorstep.  We have signed up with BlueHost, it is a long story…don’t ask, and have already transferred two domains onto their servers.  We…

WordPress 2.5 Will NOT Be Released on St. Patrick’s Day

Normally I wouldn’t post WordPress news here because we’re focused on gaming. But, WordPress is our platform for the blog and I’ve been talking about WP 2.5 for months now….

Impending Changes = WordPress 2.5 Update and Blue Host Webhosting

Hello fellow gamers.  Unlike the ordinary content posted on this blog this article has nothing to do with gaming.  This is to alert you to a couple changes that will…

WordPress 2.3.3 Update Complete & WordPress Release Roadmap

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its 2.3.2 version of WordPress to 2.3.3. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to…

WordPress 2.3.3 Update

The CWF Game Cast will be updating from its 2.3.2 version of WordPress to 2.3.3 today. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to…

Sneak Peek at WordPress 2.4…I Mean 2.5

Coming to a blog near you late January is WordPress 2.4. Oh wait I’m sorry that’s no longer true. The people at WordPress have decided to skip release 2.4 because…

WordPress 2.3.2 Update Complete

The CWF Game Cast has completed its update from its 2.3.1 version of WordPress to 2.3.2. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to…

WordPress 2.3.2 Update

The CWF Game Cast will be updating from its 2.3.1 version of WordPress to 2.3.2 today. Why do this, you may ask. Instead of trying to explain it all to…