WordPress 2.5 Will NOT Be Released on St. Patrick’s Day

Normally I wouldn’t post WordPress news here because we’re focused on gaming. But, WordPress is our platform for the blog and I’ve been talking about WP 2.5 for months now. According to the WordPress Testers mailing list, which is where people who beta test new versions of WordPress, WordPress 2.5 will NOT be released today.

Lloyd Budd said, “No. There will be a beta/release candidate before 2.5 is released. Watch http://wordpress.org/development/ for the announcment.”

WP 2.5 was originally scheduled for release one week ago today. It was pushed back to St. Patrick’s Day and no reason was given. Weblogtoolscollection, a great WP blog, had an article that announced the one week delay. There has been no official announcement changing the release date for WP 2.5. But, it was scheduled for release at 8pm EST according to Milestone 2.5, the official development tracker for WordPress. This means that we will know one way or another within the next 15 minutes or more.

Everyone wants WP 2.5 to be as stable and secure as possible. But, eventually there comes a time when software must be released no matter its condition. Matt Mullenweg, WordPress’ founding developer, has previously said that the nightly build beta test of WP 2.5 was so stable that he has been using it on his own blog, Photo Matt. Clearly, that shows that WP 2.5 is stable enough to be released despite bugs.

I prefer for any release to be very stable but if it is between that and waiting another week or more I’d prefer to have this version now and have fixes issued after the fact. It is my belief that I may be in the minority on that issue. But then again, if you look on the official WordPress forum you’ll see a lot of people wanting 2.5 to be released asap.

You can read Matt’s post on WP 2.5 RC (Release Candidate) here.