Battleground Games & Hobbies Plainville is OPEN

We’re here at 25 Taunton Street in Plainville for the opening of Battleground Games & Hobbies Plainville. We will be live-blogging on the iPad this event for most of the day.

Since we’re live-blogging this we don’t have the usual full functionality that we normally do. We have pictures of this on our Facebook page. Be sure to check there and pictures will be showing here on the blog soon.

We got here early to find Chase Laquidara, store manager, cleaning the exterior windows. He let us in to find the finished interior. It is breathtaking. As of 10:10 a small crowd of people have shown up. A couple 40k gamers are setting up for a game while half a dozen Magic: The Gathering card players have ensconced themselves near the HD TVs, which are broadcasting NFL news.

As I type this Derek Lloyd, BG Owner, has walked in the door with more supplies. It is sure to be a great day in Plainville. Hurricane Earl has failed to inflict major damage on this part of the Bay State and the sun is bright and shining.

If you’re a gamer then you MUST come down to BG Plainville at 25 Taunton Street in Plainville. Be sure to say hello to me too. I’m the guy in a purple shirt and cargo shorts most likely typing into an iPad and toting a digital camera.

Hope to see you here soon!

Time to make my first purchase at the new location (the third customer of the day, fourth total because Steve D was here earlier in the week making a purchase). I think I can use some more War at Sea and a couple packs of WoW CCG. Maybe a BG t-shirt too!

I can’t wait for some games to get going so I can take some pics of that. Am also hoping some WoW CCGers show up for a game or too.

Made my purchase. Got Keeper Remulos in a pack of Wrathgate and another HMS Victorious from the Condition Zebra booster I grabbed. Totally loving my BG t-shirt too.

Even more people here including one of the youngest gamers of them all…a baby.

Attendance Count: 16

Up for some EDH? That’s about to start soon and if you’re hungry I’m told that PieZoni’s, next door, is a great pizzeria. Anyone want to join me for lunch?

Derek is taking video as Jared heads into the store. I think he has some great footage of me staring down at the iPad I better look up now. “Hi Derek” It’ll be interesting to see what kind of community develops here and what, if any, focus will exist. Magic? Card games? Board games? Historical gaming? 40k? Lots of video games?

I think I’ll be working on a first impressions blog article for this location with reviews of BG Abington and BG Plainville, specific to the individual locations, to come further down the road.

One of the tabletop gaming (aka 40k) tables has this awesome laytex mat that looks like a textured and painted table. It just rolls on top of a flat surface, fully textured. You can paint over it, perhaps dry brushing and inking, to add definition and further details. I’m not sure where it came from or how much it goes for but I totally want one. I think it could be a great way to easily create some game space and then put a few pieces of terrain, some hills or a building, on top.

I think the 40k game is all set so I need to go take some pics.

Pics show full size so we’re delaying posting them here until at a full computer. We want to resize them and display them in a gallery for your viewing ease.

Things are going well here but not tons of gamers. There’s some people hanging out, two people playing 40k, and a group of Magic players. It seems like there’s an ebb and flow to the number of people. I expect it will get much busier in the afternoon. Gamers don’t like to get up early and a bunch of people at BG Abington will likely swing by later on too.

People Count: 14

Things have quieted down here in Plainville. A few kids are playing Xbox 360, a game of Hordes just ended, a handful are assembling/painting, and a group are just hanging out and chatting. Hopefully things will liven up in a bit. I will be playing War at Sea as soon as my opponent, John C, arrives for the inaugural WAS game at BG Plainville (and the first game played on one of the tables).

It is hard to believe that there were 20-25 people here an hour or so ago.

The store is open until 11pm tonight so be sure to stop on by. We will have pictures from today posted on the blog when we reunite with the iMac. For the interim, please see the Facebook page for all pics.

I am totally loving this location and can’t wait to spend more time here. It is time to buy a d100 for the contest. Don’t forget to enter the contest by going to our contest article, which is located BELOW this posting. You can enter the contest by posting a comment to the contest article, by LIKE-ing us on Facebook, or on Twitter (@cwfgamecast). The contest ends Saturday, September 11, 2010 and the winner will be announced Sunday, September 12, 2010. You could win a FREE AAM or WAS Booster courtesy of our sponsor, 12-7-Games.

People Count: 17