Category Archives: Jonathan J. Reinhart

Molleindustria Oiligarchy

We spend a lot of time discussing games but not enough time discussing how games teach.  As a librarian I believe games deserve a prominent place in libraries, and in…

CWF Supports The King Kong Defense

The Pirate Bay torrent website is being sued by just about everyone for copyright violations. The big trial is taking place in Sweden where the defendants, three of whom run…

Flames of War: St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Tournament Video

Yesterday at Battleground Games in Abington a massive Flames of War tournament was held using the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre rules.  A total of 7 players participated with 4 Allied…

War at Sea February 27, 2009 Rules Clarifications

An update to the Update and Clarifications (formerly called Rules Clarifications) came out at the end of this month. We have have made them available at (the pdf requires…

War at Sea February 2009 Rules Clarifications

The newest Update and Clarifications (formerly called Rules Clarifications) came out this month. We have have made them available at (the pdf requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader to…

War at Sea: Stat Cards Gallery Update

The number one thing I’m contacted about by blog visitors is my War at Sea Stat Card Galleries.  The enthusiasm from visitors is always high, their appreciation sincere, and their inquisitiveness on…

Chester French She Loves Everybody Music Video

Chester French, the famous Harvard duo we first shared with you back in December 2006 with Local Band: Chester French, has released their first music video. The video, which we’re…

War at Sea: Battle of the Bahamas Photo Gallery

At Battleground Games in Abington the Bahamas were invaded by the Axis powers in War at Sea on October 1, 2008.  They maintained a tentative hold on the island and…

Flames of War: Panzerkompanie Journal

At Battleground Games in Abington the historical gamers have been taking a break from Axis & Allies and War at Sea.  The store has at last begun stocking Flames of…

War at Sea: Flank Speed aka Set 3 Confirmed Releases and Box Art

We have absolutely wonderful news to share.  War at Sea has a new set, Set 3, which will officially be released on June 9, 2009.  The set is titled Flank…