Category Archives: Games

40k Drop Pods on the Cheap

Drop Pods have become more and more popular for Space Marines armies lately. Yet, I’ve often heard players exclaim “they cost too much $$ for me to use!” has…

Star Wars Minis: Battle of Hoth

Long time fans of the Star Wars Minis game will remember when the big Hoth AT-AT, see below & click the pic for a closer look, was released. This lumbering…

Penny Arcade Burns EB Games

Penny Arcade managed to hit the nail on the head, yet again, in accurately shedding light on practices at “non-mainstream” (i.e. not Best Buy) video game stores in the comic…

Free Warhammer Competition

Hi all I have started a new website  The aim of the site is to help fantasy and sci-fi gamers find model bargains on Ebay. To celebrate the launch…

Inside No Quarter #14 Sept. 07

Wondering if the new No Quarter is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #14 covers. There’s plenty of great Allies coverage along with a kickass…

White Dwarf #334 Quick Picks

We scoured the new WD and have chosen 5 Quick Picks for your perusal. If you hate reading the entire mag, have a short attention span, or just want the…

Inside White Dwarf #334 Nov. 07

Wondering if the new WD is worth purchasing? The table of contents below tells you what issue #333 covers. There’s plenty of great High Elf coverage along with a kickass…

New Poll Debates The “Right” Price for Clix Games

We just unveiled a new weekly poll to initiate a debate on the “right” price for clix games. Collectible games are very costly. Clix, collectible minis, and collectible cards use…

The Conversion Vault: 40k Cadian Rough Riders

Here’s one from our Conversion Vault.  A 40k Cadian Rough Rider with some real mobility. With Apocalypse now out take the time to update your IG with this great conversion. …

I Play Stellar on Guitar Hero

This is one of the first vids I ever made and put on YouTube. I try to play Stellar on Guitar Hero for the PS2. It is Medium difficulty, my…